Our team members often record lectures or are interviewed about their knowledge of alternatives to animals in toxicology studies and law. Here are some videos and interviews of our team:
Interviews of Brianne Kincaid, Itzy Erin Morales Pantoja and Dr. Paul Locke at the Cruelty Free Science Day
ABA Midyear Meeting 2024 Resolution talk given by Dr. Paul Locke
Brooks Institute Animal Law Fundamentals lecture by Dr. Paul Locke.
ABA TIPS ALC Int'l Law Subcommittee Panel Presentation. Rebecca Critser's presentation "US Animals-in-Transit Laws in Science and Research" begins at minute 21.
Fireside Chat: The FDA Modernization Act is Signed Into Law. Now What?
Dr. Paul Locke's Presentation at Animal Law Conference 2022 (Timestamps: 21:30-36:45)